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Understanding Canadian Law

Course Description

This course explores Canadian law with a focus on legal issues that are relevant to people’s everyday lives. Students will investigate fundamental legal concepts and processes to gain a practical understanding of Canada’s legal system, including the criminal justice system. Students will use critical-thinking, inquiry, and communication skills to develop informed opinions on legal issues and apply this knowledge in a variety of ways and settings, including case analysis, legal research projects, mock trials, and debates.

The primary purpose of assessment and evaluation is to improve student learning


The process of assessing student learning is continuous and on-going. Teachers use information gathered through assessments to provide feedback for students, to guide instruction and develop individual learning goals for students. This is assessment for learning. Students use this feedback to continuously improve their achievement and set individual learning goals. This is assessment as learning. Information from assessments informs the teacher’s professional judgment, but is not used in determining the student’s level of achievement.


Evaluation is the process of determining a level of student achievement of the Overall Expectations for a course, which is recorded as a mid-term or final grade on a report card.

Students will be given numerous and varied opportunities to demonstrate their achievement of the Overall Expectations across the four categories of achievement (Knowledge & Understanding, Thinking, Communication and Application). Evidence of student achievement of the Overall Expectations is collected over time from three different sources – observations, conversations and student products.

To be successful students must demonstrate achievement of EACH of the Overall Expectations for the course. If a student is missing evidence of achievement of one or more of the Overall Expectations then a lower limit will be determined by the teacher.

In determining a report card grade teachers use their professional judgment to interpret the evidence of student achievement which reflects the student’s most consistent level of achievement with special considerations given to the more recent evidence.

The final grade is determined by the following breakdown:

70 % - evaluations made at the end of units throughout the semester.

30% - final demonstrations of learning (culminating activities and/or final examinations)


Student progress is reported at 3 times during the semester.

Interim Report – October and March. Reports on student Learning Skills and Work Habits with next steps for improvement.

Mid-term Report Card – November and April. Reports on student achievement of the Overall Expectations to date. Incomplete achievement is reflected on Mid-term Report Cards, but replaced when learning has been demonstrated.

Final Report Card – February and July. Reports on student achievement of all of the Overall Expectations.


Students are responsible for being academically honest in all aspects of their schoolwork. Academic dishonesty includes a variety of behaviours including cheating, plagiarism, facilitating or aiding academic dishonesty, and the unauthorized access or manipulating of student records, work and computer programs. Such behaviours impede the learning process and threaten the educational environment for all students.

Intentional academic dishonesty will result in disciplinary consequences. Teachers and parents should support students in striving for excellence and producing

work with integrity.


There is a direct link between good attendance and success at school. Students are expected to attend classes regularly and on time. Evidence of student achievement is gathered during classes through observations and learning conversations.

Learning Skills play an important role in a student’s level of achievement. Students will be assessed on the following learning skills: responsibility, organization, independent work, collaboration, initiative, and self-regulation.


Teachers will determine when personal electronic devices, including cell phones, will be used as instructional tools/supports. At other times these devices (with the exception of electronic translators) are not to be used and must be turned off and be stored away. Consequences for inappropriate use of these devices may include removal of the device from the learning environment.

BSID# 882053

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