Daryk Educational Group.
High School - Middle School - Academy
BSID# 882053
Licensed by the Ontario Ministry of Education
Our School Goals And Philosophy
Daryk High School has objectives laid out to target optimal success for each student. It is a collective effort made by students, teachers and parents to achieve this.
To excel academically and personally.
To fortify character via success, discipline, and respect.
To instill initiative and become proactive in their education.
To create a healthy, positive and supportive environment.
To develop competitive interpersonal skills including productivity and punctuality.
Students are set to a standard to become contributing and responsible members of society and have a strong understanding of community.
About Daryk High School
Daryk High School is an Ontario-based private high school and all courses offered are authorized by the Ontario Ministry of Education. Students are provided opportunities to earn credits towards their high school diploma through a few courses. E-learning has made it possible for these courses to be completed at the convenience of the student from anywhere at any time.
Online high school education accommodates many students, such as:
Those wanting to add an additional course to their existing high school schedule;
Those seeking college or university admission who need to attend a make-up course or a prerequisite that may not be offered at their existing high school;
Those with health related issues or special learning needs who are opting for an alternate learning program;
Students who must travel whilst pursuing a career in athletics, theater or arts;
Students traveling abroad temporarily who want to continue working on their OSSD;
Mature students working full time and needing more flexibility;
International students needing qualifications necessary for university or college programs in Canada.
Daryk High School offers students the opportunity and liberty to study courses that may not be available in their own school.
Admission Policy
Students can register through www.darykhighschool.com or by calling Daryk High School directly. Daryk High School is open all year round and students may register at their convenience. Students will be contacted directly regarding the starting date of their classes. When necessary, a student may also request a specific start date be arranged in advance. During the registration process, all students must supply copies of the following documents:
Ontario Student Transcript (OST), Credit Summary or Local School Transcript translated into English.
A copy of one of the following documents:
Birth certificate
Driver’s license
Citizenship card
Parent Permission form (for students under the age of 18)
Consent for Release of Documents form
Proof of course prerequisite
Mature students with related prior learning or work experience may apply for an exemption from a prerequisite.
Course Prerequisites
Course prerequisites
Course prerequisites are required for the efficiency of both the instructor and student. Obtaining the necessary prerequisite will assist in the students as it forms the basis for their knowledge and skills.
“If a parent or an adult student (a student who is eighteen years of age or older) requests that a prerequisite be waived, the principal will determine whether or not the prerequisite should be waived” (MOE, 2011a, S. 7.2.3).
Students without the prerequisite who can provide sufficient evidence of equivalent study or work experience, may apply for a prerequisite exemption or receive a letter of permission from their local school to receive a prerequisite exemption. Incomplete applications will be denied unless the student seeking the prerequisite submits their school grades and all related work/school experience before their request is reviewed.
Students participating in courses without the necessary prerequisite who have not obtained an exemption from the prerequisite or Letter of Permission to waive the prerequisite, may be removed from their courses with no tuition refund.
(Online Education)
School Policy: (Full and Part Time students)
DHSchool has its own policy regarding the tuition. The $250 for domestics and $500 for international Registration (application) fee is non refundable.
The fees must be paid completely before school the starting dates.
For domestic students, the tuition will not be returned after registration. whether the student enroll or not.
For The international Students who enrolled in a course, there will be no returned.
For The international Students who did not enroll, there will be a complete return in one condition. There should be a request from a parent/guardian/his/herself (over 18) in written before school starting date.
Any requests after a first day of school/course will not be counted and the tuition will not be returned.
For those who register from the middle of the year, (second term) there will be the same rule as the second term will be the first term for those students.
Attendance Policy
Course content (including Online and Offline activities) is designed to be 110 hours of planned learning activities (approximate time allocations accompany course units and/or activities). Credit is granted only on the completion of the Course with minimum 110 hours of Learning. One or more of the following approaches is used to account for the 110 hours for full-credit courses.
Students log in on a regular basis and engage in learning activities with teachers and other students
Student presence tracked by course software or via contributions to the discussion areas
Students maintain a learning log documenting Online and Offline activities
Teacher tracks student activity through regular and ongoing communication
Teacher verifies that student work belongs to the student enrolled in the course through regular review of student work.
Assessment Policy
Assessment is necessary to show how well the students are meeting the expectations of the curriculum. This can be accomplished through compiling information from numerous sources which include, but are not limited to, assignments, demonstrations, projects, performances, and tests. Teachers provide students feedback on these evaluations to assist them in improving in the curriculum.
Evaluation is conducted by judging the quality of work provided by the student based on the established achievement criteria. In Ontario secondary schools, the quality of work is assigned a value represented as a percentage grade.
Students are assessed and evaluated based on the Achievement Charts in the Provincial Curriculum Policy Documents for their respective course. Evaluation is based on the achievement level reflecting the students skills and knowledge learned in the course. Seventy percent (70%) of the final mark is for Knowledge & Understanding, Thinking, Communications and Application, displayed through classroom work. Assessment is conducted through a variety of methods which can include, but are not limited to, classroom tests and presentations. Thirty percent (30%) of the final mark is for final summative evaluation which can include, but are not limited to an essay and examination. The final evaluation demonstrates the range and level of skills and knowledge the student should obtain by the completion of the course. Students receive an outline of the course evaluation from each teacher at the beginning of each course. The academic achievement assessment and learning skills are included in this outline. Student progress is reported to parents at mid-semester and end of semester.
Rights & Responsibilities Of Students, Parents & Staff
Students have the right to:
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know the summative assessment methods that will be used to assess their achievement
know the method used to determine their grade in the course (i.e. a rubric or marking scheme)
timely feedback on the quality of their work their performance
information about the Ministry assessment and evaluation policy
information regarding the consequences for academic dishonesty
Students are responsible for:
ensuring academic honesty
providing proper documentation demonstrating completion of prerequisite courses
being active participants in the learning process
communicating with teachers when there is difficulty in meeting timelines
following assessment and evaluation methods and timelines for work submission
Teachers have the right to:
expect students to be academically honest
expect students to be active participants in their learning
expect students to submit assignments on time
set final deadlines for the submission of work
use professional judgment when assessing and evaluating student achievement
Teachers are responsible for:
providing multiple and varied opportunities for students to demonstrate their learning
providing accommodations and/or modifications as identified in the IEP
providing instruction and support to enable student success
monitoring and maintaining a record of late assignments to be used in assessing learning skills
returning student work in a timely manner and providing detailed feedback to both students and parents
clearly communicating assignment due dates to students (where applicable)
clearly communicating the meaning of academic honesty and methods for citing references
keeping parents/guardians informed regarding their child’s progress and how they can support their child’s success
Parents/guardians have the right to:
information about their child’s performance
have access to their child’s course(s) to see how they are learning and progressing
be informed regarding course requirements, assessment and evaluation methods, and timelines for work submission
Parents/guardians are responsible for:
actively monitoring their child’s progress
understanding how they can contribute to their child’s success
initiating contact with teachers and administration, should difficulties arise
working collaboratively with the school, teacher and student to plan for their child’s improvement, when necessary
Cheating And Plagiarism Policy
Plagiarism is taking someone else’s work or ideas and submitting them as your own. This act can be committed in various ways, which is not limited to, submitting an essay you did not write yourself and/or copying sections from various sources without acknowledging the original source. There are significant academic consequences that are applied for this offense.
Cheating is acting dishonestly or unfairly to gain advantage. This can be committed in various ways, but are not limited to, dishonestly or unfairly completing an exam/test.
Neither of these practices in part or in whole are acceptable to Daryk High School and measures are in place to detect them. Students are required
to submit original work and give credit to all research sources correctly and consistently.
Fee Refund Policy
If the student cancels his/her course prior to the first student portal login, they will receive partial refund of tuition charges. Admin Fee of $250 will be deducted.
If the student cancels course after the starting the classes/school year, the tuition fee and admission fee will be non-refundable.
If the school cancels or discontinues a course, the school will fully refund the paid tuition for the course.
Student Code Of Conduct
Daryk High School abides by and upholds a high standard of respect. Students, parents and guardians are required to conduct themselves with utmost respect when communicating with Daryk High School staff.
Insults, profanities, disrespectful comments and acts disrupt learning and teaching in a school community. Members of the school community have a responsibility to maintain an environment where conflict and differences can be addressed in a manner characterized by respect and civility. (Ministry of Education [MOE], 2001, p. 3)
Daryk High School is committed to the protection and well-being of all students and staff. Our school has a zero-tolerance policy for harassment, intimidation, threatening behaviours in any form and/or seeks to disrupt the school moral. This Code of Conduct aims to build a positive environment in which students can grow in a safe and supportive environment.
Submission Of Assignments Policy
Daryk High School online courses are created to help all types of students study at their own pace and convenient location.
Daryk High School aims for students to achieve the Ontario Ministry of Education curriculum requirements. Students are given a three month time-frame to complete their course credit requirements. Students may submit their assignments as per instructions and shall receive an extension on the duration of their course should it be requested (additional tuition fees will apply). All Daryk High School courses must be completed within one year maximum. This is to maintain the integrity of the academic assessment and evaluation policies provided by the Ministry of Education in Ontario.
All course assignments must be submitted online. Where additional handwritten components are required, such as mathematics and science, they may be scanned and emailed or attached to the teachers of the respective course. Physical copies sent via mail will not be accepted.
Late And Missed Assignments Policy
Students are responsible for completing tasks within the time frame specified by the teacher, and in the form approved by the teacher. Incomplete and late assignments will have consequences.
To prevent and address late and missed assignments, Daryk High School has systems in place used by teachers and staff which include:
Inquiring why the student has not completed the assignment.
Developing time-management skills with the students.
Work with other staff to arrange major assignment dates for every class.
Teaching how to break large tasks into manageable parts.
Keeping open communication with students and/or parents about the assignments shortcomings, and arranging meetings with parents if the problem continues.
Being considerate to legitimate conditions for missing deadlines.
Seeking counselling or peer tutoring.
Supporting those with language barriers.
Supporting those with special education services.
Supply alternatives assessments where appropriate.
Deducting marks for late assessments
These systems are to encourage students to submit their assignments for evaluation in a timely fashion. Late and missed assignments will also be noted on the report card reflecting the students learning skills and work habits. It can also reflect late submissions and failure to submit other assignments (homework included) when appropriate.
Daryk High School’s policies for late and missed assessments for evaluation are:
To inform students and parents about late submission, the respective consequences that may apply and the importance of timely submissions.
To motivate and facilitate in the completion of work and demonstrate the students learning
To allow for additional and alternative opportunities to show understanding of learning
The responsibility of the classroom teacher and students to create deadlines for assignments and to clearly communicate these deadlines to students and parents, when appropriate.
To ensure the mark deduction will not cause a percentage mark that misrepresents a student’s actual achievement.
To provide a clear process of how mark percentages are generated for a student's report card.
Full Disclosure Policy
All courses of Grades 11 and 12 are subjected to the Ministry of Education’s Full Disclosure Policy. The Ontario Student Transcript (OST) will record courses of students who are registered three days after the issue of each semester’s midterm report. This is regardless if the course was successfully completed or not. A student’s percent grade will reflect the grade at the time of withdrawal in the “Percentage Grade” column and a “W” in the “Credit” column. Repeated Grade 11 or 12 courses that were previously completed, only earn one credit for the course. Each attempt is recorded on the OST with a percentage grade, and an “R” is entered in the “Credit” column for the course with the lower percentage grade.
Acceptable Use Of Technology Policy
Daryk High School online platforms, in part or in whole, for unlawful activities is prohibited. Daryk High School will investigate all occurrences and may involve and cooperate with law enforcement authorities. Access violations to Daryk High School may result in student dismissal, or other remedy provided by law enforcement.
Unacceptable and prohibited uses includes, but are not limited to:
Defamation: the act of damaging the good reputation of someone; slander or libel.
Harassment: the act of systematic and/or continued unwanted and annoying actions of one party or a group, including threats and demands.
Hate propaganda: advocating or promoting genocide against any idenfiable group.
Interception of private communications or electronic mail (in transit) Unlawfully collecting someone’s private communications or correspondence.
Obscenity: lewd, filthy, or disgusting words or pictures
Hacking: unauthorized access to data in a system or computer; attempting to defeat electronic security programs; spreading computer viruses; destroying, altering or encrypting data; Congesting or disrupting electronic networks and systems; Forging TCP/IP packet header, in part or in whole; Electronic network mischief, including but not limited to, “spoofing”.
Copyright infringement: Daryk High School intellectual property may not be reproduced, altered, without explicit permission by Daryk High School
Parent Engagement: Student Success And Progress Monitoring
The digital age has provided students with increased opportunities for learning. For many students, this may be their first time taking a high school course online and they are at the beginning of an exciting education journey.
Parents and guardians play a vital role in student success in high school e-learning programs. The greater the support that families provide for their children’s learning and educational progress, the more likely that their children will do well in school and continue on with their education (MOE, 2010c). Parental involvement can include helping one’s child create a custom schedule for his or her online course, checking in each week to ensure assignments are being submitted on a regular basis, and providing homework support when needed.
Daryk High School uses a variety of methods to keep parents up-to-date on school news, coming events, and their child’s progress:
School Portal
Updates and information
Teacher feedback emails
Parents informing of their son/daughter’s progress (under 18)
- Request to receive an email copy of all teacher correspondence and feedback
This allows parents to have a greater involvement in their child’s instruction and creates a transparent communication process between students, parents and teachers.
Parents informing of their son/daughter’s progress (18 and above)
Submission of a Consent for Release of Personal Information form
How Online Courses Work
Each Online course is offered and accessed online.
On this same site, there are also discussion boards where students can communicate with their instructor and classmates.
Each full credit course is 110 hours and scheduled to take Maximum 5 months to complete.
The starting date will be September 15 and the end date will be January 31 for fall term.
The starting date will be February 1st and the end date will be June 30 for fall winter term.
Daryk High School has a similar path like traditional classroom courses and will respond to any student queries within 1 business day.
Evaluation assignments are returned to students within 5-7 business days. Students must achieve the Ministry of Education learning expectations of a course and complete 110 hours of planned learning activities in order to earn a course credit. Students must also keep a learning log throughout their course which outlines the activities they have completed and their total learning hours. The learning log creates a formal record of student attendance and assignment submission in each course.
Submission of Assignments
I'm a paragraph. Click once to begin enCourses at Daryk High School designed like other onsite classes. Students will be given a course information sheet (posted on Moodle) which mentions starting/ending dates, exams date, all assignments due date and etc.
Daryk High School’s primary objective is student achievement of the Ontario Ministry of Education curriculum requirements. In keeping with this objective, the concept of missed or late assignments is nonexistent. Students are expected to log into to their course and submit assignments on a regular basis; however, students are given due dates in each of their courses for the sole purpose of providing their assignments on time.tering your own content. You can change my font, size, line height, colour and more by highlighting part of me and selecting the options from the toolbar.
Not in person hand out
1- Not accept course assignments via Canada Post, courier or other forms of “snail” mail
If students feel they need to submit a handwritten assignment, the assignment should be scanned and emailed directly to the applicable teacher or to be uploaded on School portal.
2- Does not recommend submitting work by fax, as often the quality of fax is so low it can be difficult for teachers to read.
Turnaround Times (Teacher Assistance and Marks)
Course Questions 1 business day
Evaluation Assignments 5-7 business days
Tests 5-7 business days
Booking Final Examinations (Ontario students) 5 business days
Booking Final Examinations (out of province students) 5-8 business days
Issuing of Report Cards 10 business days after the final exam is written
Teachers will respond to course questions within 1 business day of receiving an email or via moodle.
It is important for students to receive feedback from their teacher as they proceed through their course; as such, student assignments should be emailed/sent via moodle as soon as they are completed. Large assignments may take more than 5 days to be checked.
Teachers have live office hours on each week (2 times per week); students should be sure to take advantage of this one-on-one time. It’s a great opportunity to discuss the course and ask questions about tests and assignments. Online office hours and other information for teachers are posted in the announcements area of each course.
Teacher Live Chat Times
Ontario Secondary School Certificate of Accomplishment
Students who leave school before fulfilling the requirements for the OSSD or the OSSC may be granted a Certificate of Accomplishment (COA). This certificate may be a useful means of recognizing achievement for students who plan to take certain vocational programs or other kinds of further training. Students who return to school to complete additional credit and non-credit courses will have their transcript updated, but will not be issued a new COA.
Provincial Secondary School Literacy Requirements
A secondary school diploma may only be attained upon successful completion of the provincial secondary school literacy requirement. It is based mainly on the reading and writing components as part of the Ontario curriculum expectations for language and communication.
This is used to determine if students have attained the necessary reading and writing skills essential for literacy and to provide confirmation that those students have completed the requirement have attained the provincial expectations for literacy.
The Ontario Secondary School Literacy Course (OSSLC)
Students who pass the course are considered to have met the literacy graduation requirement.
The course differs from other courses in that it outlines specific requirements for evaluation in order to ensure alignment with the requirements of the OSSLT.
The credit earned for successfully completing the OSSLC may be used to meet the Grade 11 or the Grade 12 compulsory credit requirement in English. If used to meet the Grade 11 requirement, the course is coded OLC3O. If used to meet the Grade 12 requirement, the course is coded OLC4O. The credit may also be used to meet the group 1 compulsory credit requirement for the Ontario Secondary School Diploma. Students should check admission requirements for postsecondary institutions, since the OSSLC may not be accepted as the Grade 12 English entrance requirement for college or university programs.
The OSSLC may be used as a substitution to meet the requirements for compulsory credits.
Accommodations, Deferrals and Exemptions for the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test
Daryk High School does not offer an IEP plan at this moment.
The principal, in consultation with the student and the parent(s)/guardian(s), or the adult student, will determine if a deferral should be granted. Deferred students are expected to write the OSSLT during its next administration.
A student must have an IEP that clearly indicates he or she is not working towards a secondary school diploma in order to be exempted from writing the OSSLT. The principal, in consultation with the parent(s)/guardian(s) and student, will make all decisions regarding exemptions.
Substitutions For Compulsory Courses
Daryk High School does not offer an IEP plan at this moment.
The principal, in consultation with the student and the parent(s)/guardian(s), or the adult student, will determine if a deferral should be granted. Deferred students are expected to write the OSSLT during its next administration.
A student must have an IEP that clearly indicates he or she is not working towards a secondary school diploma in order to be exempted from writing the OSSLT. The principal, in consultation with the parent(s)/guardian(s) and student, will make all decisions regarding exemptions.
Substitutions For Compulsory Courses
Substitutions may be made for a limited number of compulsory credit courses using courses from the remaining courses offered by the school that meet the requirements for compulsory credits. To meet individual students’ needs, principals may replace up to three of these courses (or the equivalent in half courses) with courses from the remainder of those that meet the compulsory credit requirements. In all cases, however, the sum of compulsory and optional credits will not be less than thirty for students aiming to earn the Ontario Secondary School Diploma and not less than fourteen for those aiming to earn the Ontario Secondary School Certificate. Substitutions should be made to promote and enhance student learning or to meet special needs and interests.
The decision to make a substitution for a student should be made only if the student’s educational interests are best served by such substitution. If a parent or an adult student requests a substitution, the principal will determine whether or not a substitution should be made. A principal may also initiate consideration of whether a substitution should be made. The principal will make his or her decision in consultation with the parent or adult student and appropriate school staff. Each substitution will be noted on the student’s Ontario Student Transcript.
Policy on Substitutions for Compulsory Courses
The principal has the discretion to make substitutions for a maximum of three compulsory courses at the secondary level to address the specific needs of student to be graduated. Substitutions for compulsory credit requirements serve a variety of purposes:
allow flexibility in designing a student’s program pathway;
ensure that all students can qualify for the secondary school diploma or certificate;
promote and enhance student learning;
meet special needs and interests.
Daryk High School will use an “X” to indicate credits that are substitutions for compulsory credits identified by the ministry as diploma requirements. (Such substitutions can only be made with the approval of the principal.) For these credits, also an “X” should be entered in the “Note” column of student’s transcript.
Definition of a Credit
A credit is a means of recognition of the successful completion of a course for which a minimum of 110 hours has been scheduled. It is granted to the student by the principal of a secondary school on behalf of the Minister of Education.
The Credit System
A credit is granted in recognition of the successful completion of a course that has been scheduled for a minimum of 110 hours. Credits are granted by a principal on behalf of the Minister of Education and Training for courses that have been developed or approved by the ministry. A half credit may be granted for each 55-hour part of a 110-hour ministry-developed course. Half-credit courses must comply with ministry requirements as outlined in the curriculum policy documents.
Course Coding System
The first three characters of the course code refers to the name of the course
The fourth character refers to the grade of the course.
1 = Grade 9
2 = Grade 10
3 = Grade 11
4 = Grade 12
Course Type
The fifth character refers to the type of course.
P = applied
D = academic
O = open
E = workplace prep
C = college prep
U = university prep
M = university / college preparation
The Semester System
The school year is divided into two equal parts and a student is expected to complete half of his/her program each semester. The first semester begins September 1st and ends in January. The second semester begins immediately following the conclusion of the 1st semester and ends at the conclusion of the required time for the courses. Students may enter the program in the 1st or 2nd semester. We also offer summer credit courses during July and August and each student is able to take one credit each month.
Types Of Courses
The types of courses available in the secondary school program are described below.
n Grades 9 and 10, three types of courses are offered: academic courses, applied courses, and open courses.
In Grades 11 and 12, courses offered to prepare students for their post-secondary destinations include: university preparation courses, university/college preparation courses, college preparation courses, and workplace preparation courses. Open courses are also offered in Grades 11 & 12
Academic Courses
Academic courses draw more heavily on theory and abstract examples and problems. In an academic course, you will learn the essential concepts of a subject and explore related materials as well. Although your knowledge and skill in the subject will be developed through both theory and practical applications, the emphasis will be on theory and abstract thinking as a basis for future learning and problem solving.
Applied Courses
Applied courses focus more on practical applications and concrete examples. An applied course covers the essential concepts of a subject. Knowledge and skills will be developed through both theory and practical applications, but the focus will be on practical applications. Familiar, real-life situations will be used to illustrate ideas and students will be given more opportunities to experience hands-on applications of the concepts you studied.
Open Courses
In subjects such as healthy active living education, computer applications, integrated technologies visual arts and instrumental music, all students will take the same type of course – an open course.
University Preparation Courses
University preparation courses are designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills they need to meet the entrance requirements for university programs. The range of courses offered and the content of these courses will allow students to prepare for university programs and related careers. Teaching and learning will emphasize theoretical aspects of the course content but will also include concrete applications. All university preparation courses will be based on rigorous provincial curriculum expectations and will emphasize the development of both independent research skills and independent learning skills. Students will also be required to demonstrate that they have developed these skills.
College Preparation Courses
College preparation courses are designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills they need to meet the entrance requirements for college programs. The range of courses offered and the content of these courses will allow students to prepare for most college programs and related careers. Teaching and learning will emphasize concrete applications of the theoretical material covered in the course, and will also emphasize the development of critical-thinking and problem-solving skills. All college preparation courses will be based on rigorous provincial curriculum expectations and will emphasize the development of both independent research skills and independent learning skills. Courses will also require students to demonstrate that they have developed these skills.
Course Outlines
The Students, Parents and Guardians will be able to access course outlines online at Daryk high school's website. The outlines provide students with a description of course materials that they will be studying during the term. They offer an overview of the content of each course.
Ontario Curriculum Policy document
The Students, Parents and Guardians will be able to access the policy documents by visiting Ministry of Education website at www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/curriculum/secondary
Procedures For Students Who Wish To Change Course Types
Occasionally, some students experience changes in their future career or educational aspirations after having taken and successfully completed certain preliminary courses. This in turn translates into them having to take further compulsory and optional credit courses of a different type. Although, the educational system allows students with a background in one set of courses to enrol in a different type of courses altogether, this transition becomes more difficult as students advance through the system in terms of their grade-years and at the levels that the issue of courses with prerequisites are the norm (See Prerequisite Courses). Nevertheless, there are several options that make such a transition possible for students.
Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting
Assessment, evaluation, and reporting are at the core of the educational system in Ontario. They not only provide information about students academic achievements and offer insight into ways for improving instructional programs, but they also ensure consistency in instruction with a focus on a high standard of achievement of all students across the province. The overall aim of assessment and evaluation in the real of education is improving students' level of learning. As such, assessment is defined as a two-part overlapping process which involves "assessment for learning" and "assessment as learning". Assessment for learning offers the opportunity for the provision of descriptive feedback and further coaching by the teachers to the students. Under assessment as learning, on the other hand, teachers mainly focus on developing their students' capacities as independent, autonomous learners who can set individual goals, monitor their own progress, determine the next steps, and reflect on their own thinking and learning. The data collected through the assessment and evaluation assists teachers in identifying both students' weaknesses and programs' shortcomings. Therefore, assessment and evaluation are vital tools in adapting curriculum and instructional approaches to students' needs and for determining the overall program and classroom practices' efficacy.
Assessment is the process of gathering information from a variety of sources (including assignments, demonstrations, projects, performances, and tests) that accurately reflects how well students are achieving the curriculum expectations. As part of assessment, teachers provide students with descriptive feedback that guides their efforts towards improvement. Evaluation is the process of judging the quality of a student’s work on the basis of established achievement criteria, and assigning a value to represent that quality. In Ontario secondary schools, the value assigned will be in the form of a percentage grade.
Assessment and evaluation will be based on the provincial curriculum expectations and the achievement levels outlined in the secondary curriculum policy documents. Teachers will be provided with materials, including samples of student work that will assist them in their assessment
of student achievement.
As essential steps in assessment for learning and as learning, teachers will:
plan assessment concurrently and integrate it seamlessly with instruction;
share learning goals and success criteria with students at the outset of learning to ensure that students and teachers have a common and shared understanding of these goals and criteria as learning progresses;
gather information about student learning before, during, and at or near the end of a period of instruction, using a variety of assessment strategies and tools;
use assessment to inform instruction, guide next steps, and help students monitor their progress towards achieving their learning goals;
analyse and interpret evidence of learning;
give and receive specific and timely descriptive feedback about student learning;
help students to develop skills of peer and self-assessment;
Assessment and instruction are both based on the expectations enlisted under the four categories of the standardized achievement chart in the provincial curriculum rubric. This rubric ensures a balanced assessment of achievement and instruction of the particular expectations within the appropriate categories. The evaluation component, however, broadly considers the overall level of students' achievement expectations. Thereby, evaluation can be defined as the process of judging the quality of the students' product on the basis of established performance standards and assigning a value to represent that quality.
Evidence of student achievement for evaluation is collected over time from three different sources – observations, conversations, and student products, using multiple sources of evidence increases the reliability and validity of the evaluation of student learning.
“Student products” may be in the form of tests or exams and/or assignments for evaluation. Assignments for evaluation may include rich performance tasks, demonstrations, projects, and/or essays. To ensure equity for all students, assignments for evaluation and tests or exams are to be completed, whenever possible, under the supervision of a teacher. Assignments for evaluation must not include ongoing homework that students do in order to consolidate their knowledge and skills or to prepare for the next class. Assignments for evaluation may involve group projects as long as each student’s work within the group project is evaluated independently and assigned an individual mark, as opposed to a common group mark.
In order to ensure that assessment and evaluation are valid and reliable, and that they lead to the improvement of student learning, teachers must use assessment and evaluation strategies that:
address both what students learn and how well they learn;
are based on both the categories of knowledge and skills and the achievement level descriptions in the achievement chart for each discipline;
are varied in nature, administered over a period of time, and designed to provide opportunities for students to demonstrate the full range of their learning;
are appropriate for the learning activities used, the purposes of instruction, and the needs and experiences of the students;
are fair to all students;
accommodate the needs of exceptional students;
accommodate the needs of students who are learning the language of instruction;
ensure that each student is given clear directions for improvement;
promote students’ ability to assess their own learning and to set specific goals;
include the use of samples of students’ work that provide evidence of their achievement
are communicated clearly to students and parents at the beginning of each course and at other appropriate points throughout the course
Students are assessed and evaluated based on the Achievement Charts in the Provincial Curriculum Policy Documents for the courses in which they are enrolled. Evaluation is based on the level of achievement the student demonstrates in the skills and knowledge covered in a course. 70% of the final mark is based on classroom work for Knowledge & Understanding, Thinking, Communications and Application. Assessment is determined through a variety of methods such as ongoing class demonstrations, presentations, essays, performances and classroom tests and quizzes. 30% of the final mark is based on a final summative evaluation that may be determined through a variety of methods in the latter portion of the course. These could include a portfolio, essay, examination and/or demonstration. This final evaluation reflects the range and level of student skills and knowledge towards the conclusion of the course. At the beginning of each course, students receive an outline of the course evaluation from each teacher. This outline includes the assessment of academic achievement and learning skills. Student progress is formally reported to parents at mid-semester and end of semester.
Achievement Levels
Degrees of achievement or “Levels” are organized into broad learning categories, which are:
knowledge / understanding
thinking / inquiry
application / making connections
While they are broad in scope and general in nature, the achievement levels serve as a guide for gathering information, and act as a framework used to assess and evaluate each student’s achievement. As such, they enable teachers to make consistent judgments about the quality of work, and provide clear and specific information about their achievement to students and their parents.
Seventy per cent (70%) of the grade will be based on evaluations conducted throughout the course. This grade should reflect the student’s most consistent level of achievement throughout the course, although special consideration should be given to more recent evidence of achievement.
Thirty percent (30%) of the grade will be based on a final evaluation in the form of an examination, performance, essay, and/or other method of evaluation suitable to the course content and administered towards the end of the course.
The following table provides a summary description of achievement in each percentage grade range and corresponding level of achievement:
Percentage Grade Range
Note: Level 3 (70 – 79%) is the provincial standard. Teachers and parent can be confident that students who are achieving at level 3 are well prepared for work in the next grade or the next course.
Reporting Student Achievement
Student achievement must be communicated formally to students and parents by means of a Report Card. The report card focuses on two distinct but related aspects of student achievement: the achievement of curriculum expectations and the development of learning skills. The report card will contain separate sections for reporting on these two areas. The report card will also include teachers’ comments on the students’ strengths, areas in which improvement is needed, and ways in which improvement might be achieved. Separate sections are provided for recording attendance and lateness in each course.
The report card provides the following skills demonstrated by the student in every course in the following categories:
Works Independently
Work Habits
The learning skills are evaluated using a four-point scale (E – Excellent, G – Good, S – Satisfactory, N – Needs Improvement). The separate evaluation and reporting of the learning skills in these five areas reflects their critical role in students’ achievement of the curriculum expectations. The evaluation of learning skills should not be considered in the determination of percentage grades.
Ontario Student Record (OSR)
The Ontario Student Record is the official school record for every student registered in an Ontario schools. It is a comprehensive document outlining the student's achievements, credits earned and diploma requirements completed, and other relevant information to the education of the students. Students and their parents (in case of minors) may examine the contents of the OSR. The Education Act and freedom of information legislation protect these records.
Daryk High School's procedure to use and maintenance the OSR
The principal is responsible for use and maintenance of the OSR and for assigning tasks related to that function to the appropriate staff. The organization of OSR contents outlined below is intended to be from the front to the back of the OSR:
Most recent OST
Report cards (organized chronologically with the most recent at the front)
Any other documentation
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In case particular materials or information in OSR folder is determined to be of no more assistance to furthering a student's instruction, the principal may authorize the removal of the item(s).
The information contained within the OSR must be kept securely during use, retention, and storage. The information contained within the OSR should be reviewed by the principal or the principal's designate in order to ensure relevance, accuracy, and conductivity to the students' education.hting part of me and selecting the options from the toolbar.
Establishment Of The OSR
An OSR will be issued for home school. Any part or parts of the OSR may be recorded and stored electronically in a manner that permits the printing of a clear and legible reproduction. Provision should be made to retain original documents when it is important to keep an original signature or initial on a document.
If an OSR folder is lost or inadvertently destroyed, a new OSR folder will be created. Previous information can be obtained from the current office index card and, if applicable, from the card(s) at the previous school(s). A notation will be made in the margin on the front of the new OSR folder that gives the date on which the new folder was created and the reason.
Ontario Student Transcript (OST)
The Ontario Student Transcript is the official record outlining courses successfully completed and credits gained toward the Ontario Secondary School Diploma. Information is updated annually and forms part of the Ontario Student Record (OSR).