Daryk Educational Group.
High School - Middle School - Academy
BSID# 882053
Licensed by the Ontario Ministry of Education
School Policy
Thank you for your interest in DHShool. We are a unique school, offering highly personalized education to a fairly small group of students. We pride ourselves on providing a supportive, nurturing, enriching, comfortable and safe school, where our students can work to achieve their academic goals. They can develop social maturity, in a positive, constructive environment.
Application Procedure
We begin with an informal meeting between the student, parents/guardian and the Principal. The goal of the meeting is for all parties to determine whether there is a fit between the student's needs, goals and personality and the school's programs and culture.

Parents/guardian should bring the following to the interview:
a recent copy of signed OST (Ontario School Transcript)
a copy of the student's most recent report card
two passport size photographs
proof of school's fees payment
completed application forms both paper, showing all required high school credit courses.
Academic Assessment
If the student, parents/guardian and principal are all satisfied that the right fit exists between the prospective student and the school, the next step involves an Academic Assessment of the student's skills in reading, writing and math. There is no fee for the assessment.
Grades 9: Students are required to participate in our assessment process.
Grades 10, 11 & 12: Students are admitted based on submission of current academic records.
Fees are payable by cash, debit card, major credit cards (Mater Card, American Express and Visa) or cheque.
If the fee is not paid in full, 20% of a total payment will be required as a late payment.
Post-dated cheques must be provided to cover the remaining balance.
School fees are not subject to HST tax.
Incase of receiving the visa under the school's name, the registration is completed. The student transferring within Canada will not be accepted and
the payment will not be returned.
*Read more details on Tuition & fee Page.
Office Rules
In case of paying in full and receiving a Visa, the registration fee will not be refunded.
In case of declining the visa from the immigration side, there is a time period of 3 months to receive the original declination letter from the student to have full refund. There are documents which must be provided to receive the payment.
The only $500 application fee will be charged in case of declination.
Tutoring Fees
Tutoring (one on one) are available for all subjects 6 days a week; Monday to Friday between 10:00 am to 9:00 pm and Saturday between 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. All sessions must be at least 2 hours long and are arranged at Daryk High School. The tutoring fee is $40 - $60 per hour (depending on instructors, tax included) and must be paid to the office in advance.
Students are responsible for providing their own text books and other materials. Limited copies of text books are available at the office.
Communication/ Electronics Devices:
Electronic devices such as cell phones, cameras and personal music devices are not permitted to be used in the classrooms unless authorized by the teacher for the purpose of instruction. Students who do bring electronic items to school are encouraged to leave them in the office lockers.
For Lost or stolen devices A York Regional Police Services report can be completed in the main office. The school will not participate in these investigations. To prevent theft, students should not bring valuable items or large sums of money to school.
Consequences for failing to follow the policy will be as follows:
1st offense
The student will bring and leave his/her device at the Main Office. It will be recorded as a first offense and he/she will be provided with a slip to get back into class. The device will be returned to the student at the end of the school day.
2nd offense
The student will bring and leave his/her device at the Main Office where it will be recorded as a second offense. Parent/guardian will be contacted by school staff and notified of the infraction. Students will be provided with a slip to get back into class. The device will be returned to the student at the end of the school day.
3rd offense
A one day suspension will be assigned. Any subsequent infractions will result in ongoing suspensions throughout the semester.
Refusal to co-operate with any part of this policy will result in a suspension.
Code of Conduct
Students are expected to demonstrate behavior that is respectful and courteous at all times. This includes demonstrating respect for each other and our communities. These expectations are indicated in Ontario’s Code of Conduct.
The Ontario Code of Conduct sets clear provincial standards of behavior for students, teachers, parents, volunteers and other staff members whether they are on school property, on school buses or at school-authorized events or activities. The following standards of behavior have been adopted by the York Region District School Board and Aurora High School:
All school members must:
respect and comply with all applicable laws and Board policies; treat one another with dignity and respect at all times; respect the rights and property of others; take appropriate measures to help those in need; respect persons who are in a position of authority; and respect the need of others to work in an environment of learning and teaching.
Accidents at School
All injuries must be reported immediately to the classroom teacher, to the person supervising the activity, or to the main office. Students are asked not to leave a victim unattended, nor move a seriously injured person.
Announcements are read daily. All announcements must be signed by a staff member and be submitted to the office by 8:00 a.m. on the forms provided. Only emergency announcements, with the approval of an administrator, will be made at other times.
Anti-Racism and Ethno-cultural Equity Policy
The York Region District School Board recognizes that principles of anti-racism and ethno cultural equity shall permeate all aspects of its organizational structure, policies, guidelines and procedures to ensure that barriers to equity shall be identified and eliminated.
Student Attendance
Regular attendance is extremely important to enable a student to achieve the highest possible standing relative to his/her abilities.
A student shall attend school regularly and punctually. An individual who is younger than 18 years of age, shall attend school. Notwithstanding that, a student is excused from attending school on a day on which the school is open if:
the student is unable to attend by reason of sickness or other unavoidable cause, the day is recognized as a religious holiday by the religious denomination to which the student belongs, the principal of the school has suspended the student from school and the suspension is still in effect, the student is expelled from a school and has not been given permission to enroll in another school
The responsibility for regular attendance lies with the student and the parent. Students must also accept the consequences of their actions should they choose not to accept this responsibility. Students have an obligation to contribute to, as well as benefit from, the learning experience. Irregular attendance curtails a student’s ability to contribute, and often hinders the progress of the class.
Monitoring Procedure
Parents must phone the school to report excused absences. Parents are required to phone in advance of the absence if possible; on the day of the absence is acceptable: An absence not called in by parents within 24 hours will be considered unexcused. A school administrator will call the home of each student inexcusably absent from one or more classes. Calls are made between the hours of 9-12 AM.
Students are responsible for all work missed and in the event of an assignment or test being missed due to an unexcused absence, a mark of 0% may be given.
In order to promote regular attendance, the school takes the following position for all students: Parents are asked to contact the school to report excused lates. For inexcusable absences:
After 1 inexcusable absences (i) notification will be emailed home (ii) after 3 inexcusable absences, a notification will be emailed home and the student will speak with administration (iii) after 5 inexcusable absences the student and parent must meet with administration to discuss the creation of a plan for student success.
An administrator will call the home of each student inexcusably absent from one or more classes. Calls will be made between 9-12 AM. Attendance profiles are available at any time and will be sent home as the situation requires.
Students may be withdrawn from a course for not meeting the requirements for success that may include the lack of attendance. Administration has the right enroll any student as a full time Inreach/Outreach student. If a student is directed to become a full time Inreach/Outreach student, they may not return to regular classes at DHSchool until they demonstrate a commitment to their education by earning a minimum of 15 Credits in that program.
Student Lates
Students are expected to be on time for all classes. The school schedule allows students sufficient time to get to class on time. Being late disrupts the class. Students, who are excusably late, i.e. medical appointments and other reasons, should check in at the office. Parents may call the school to report lates. The responsibility for dealing with tardiness rests with the teacher and the administrator. Students who are chronically late will be referred to the Principal. Repeated tardiness will be considered an attendance problem and will be dealt with according to the Attendance Policy.
Students’ Rules
While studying inside the school, students have no right to use their cellphones. This is beneficial for the students to be more concentrated and respect the school atmosphere while studying.
Students must be present at the school on time and attend their classes without any missing. Those who are late, must inform the school via phone by the guardian or a parent and those who are sick, must inform the school as well.
Using any kinds of drugs or alcohol in school or near by is prohibited and will give permission to the school to cancel the student visa and suspend the student.
Expelling from the school
There are some circumstances that the school will decide to expel a student by letting his/her parents and the ministry to know.
1- Any misbehaviors and harassments (in any kinds) to anyone
2- Any rudeness or harshness
3- Any confrontation and unrealistic demands
4- Bully other students/teachers
5- Being absent more than the school policy
The decision will be made by the principal after reviewing all documents or evidences. Refund Policies
1. If an applicant accepts a place in a course or program offered by the school and pays the required tuition fee, it means that a binding contract is created between two parties.
2. Application/ Registration fee and other administrative charges are non-refundable and are included in the tuition fee
3. No refund of tuition fee if a student with-draws after the commencement of the course or program / acceptance by the Immigration of Canada
4. Any student who is expelled by the School will not be entitled to any refund of any fee
5. Notification of withdrawal/ cancellation from a courses or programs or deferral from a courses or programs of study must be made in writing to the School
6. Daryk High School reserves the right not to offer a course or a program previously made available at its own discretion. In case of cancellation or discontinue of any course or program, the student will be registered in a course or the program on the start date available.