Daryk Educational Group.
High School - Middle School - Academy
BSID# 882053
Licensed by the Ontario Ministry of Education
As described in section 1.5 of this document, a student’s cooperative education program comprises a cooperative education course and the related curriculum course (or courses) or ministry-approved locally developed course on which the cooperative education course must be based. The student may take the cooperative education course concurrently with the related course or after successful completion of that course.
The cooperative education course consists of a classroom component and a placement component, which are described in detail in sections 2.3 and 2.4, respectively. Through these two components, the cooperative education course prepares the student for successful participation in a work placement; provides sufficient time and various opportunities at the placement to enable the student to apply and further develop the knowledge and skills acquired in the related course; and provides opportunities for the student to integrate the learning acquired in school and at the placement.
Course Work- 70%
Summative Project - 30%
Teaching techniques
A variety of teaching and learning styles will be used in this course:
If you know ahead of time that you will be away for a test (e.g., school sports,appointments), alternative arrangements must be made with your teacher before the test date.
If a student participates in academic fraud (cheating, plagiarism, etc.), a mark of zero may be assigned.
Students are to submit assignments on time. There will be consequences for late assignments.
Students are expected to be punctual; lates to class will be met with sanctions. Because regular attendance is an integral part of learning, irregular attendance will jeopardize a student’s ability to be successful in the course. Students are responsible for catching up on class notes and completing any assignments for which they were absent. If a student is absent for assignments/laboratory work, he/she is still responsible for understanding the material, and arranging for time to make up the lab/assignment.
for every class
Students are able to use a laptop to take notes or complete work in class. However, if they are using facebook or another form of social media in class they will
lose that privilege.
The student should possess the following attitudes:
a willingness to participate in class discussions;
self-reliance in working independently;
a determination to succeed;
courtesy and respect for everyone in the class (With All Due Respect)
Success in this course is assured by:
regular and prompt attendance;
class participation and a positive attitude;