Daryk Educational Group.
High School - Middle School - Academy
BSID# 882053
Licensed by the Ontario Ministry of Education
Food and Culture
Course Description
This course focuses on the flavours, aromas, cooking techniques, foods, and cultural traditions of world cuisines. Students will explore the origins of and developments in diverse food traditions. They will demonstrate the ability to cook with ingredients and equipment from a variety of cultures, compare food-related etiquette in many countries and cultures, and explain how Canadian food choices and traditions have been influenced by other cultures. Students will develop practical skills and apply social science research methods while investigating foods and food practices from around the world.
Assessment and Evaluation:
Assessment is an ongoing process that reflects how well a student is achieving the expectations. Based on the School Effectiveness Framework, assessment as and for learning involves goal setting for students and allows the teacher to gather evidence to determine where students are in their learning. Strategies may include, but are not limited to: oral discussions, co-operative learning activities, homework checks, and individual consultations. These strategies are in place to help students clearly understand learning goals and success criteria. Assessment of student learning involves assigning a value to judge the quality of student learning, for communication to parents and students. This may take place in the form of, but is not limited to: rich performance tasks, demonstrations, projects, essays, lab reports, tests, and presentations.
Late Policy:
Students are expected to hand in assignments on the due date. If a deadline cannot be met, the student must arrange another date with the teacher prior to the due date. Late marks may be deducted in accordance with the guidelines in the Growing Success document, and explained in the student agenda. Failure to submit indicates that curriculum expectations are not being met; a zero will be recorded.
Homework will be assigned on a regular basis and is expected to be completed. Homework assists students in learning the material and to assess their own learning. If a student is absent for any reason, it is the student’s responsibility to make up for missed work. If absent the buddy system may be used to obtain copies of handouts and get information about what was missed. If the student knows of the absence ahead of time, the teacher should be consulted about work missed.
Academic Dishonesty:
Students are expected to demonstrate academic honesty by relying on their own efforts and by doing their own work to the best of their ability. The following are examples of academic dishonesty.
The act of gaining an unfair advantage by:
- Copying from another student or making information available to another student;
- Submitting another individual’s assignment, in whole or in part, and representing it as your own;
- Preparing an assignment for submission by another student;
- Using direct quotations, or large sections of paraphrased material without acknowledgement;
- Copying an assignment/essay from any electronic or hard copy source, or knowingly allowing one’s assignment/essay to be copied by another student;
- Purchasing/accepting or distributing/selling assignments/essays in partial fulfillment of course requirements.