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Nutrition and Health

Course Description

This course examines the relationships between food, energy balance, and nutritional status; the nutritional needs of individuals at different stages of life; and the role of nutrition in health and disease. Students will evaluate nutrition-related trends and will determine how food choices can promote food security and environmental responsibility. Students will learn about healthy eating, expand their repertoire of food-preparation techniques, and develop their social science research skills by investigating issues related to nutrition and health.


Using a variety of instructional strategies, the teacher will provide numerous opportunities for students to develop skills of inquiry, problem solving, and communication as they investigate and learn fundamental concepts. The integration of critical thinking and critical literacy will provide a powerful tool for reasoning and problem solving, and is reflected in a meaningful blend of both process and content.

The Role of Critical Thinking and Inquiry Skills in the Curriculum

This course will focus on developing students’ critical thinking and inquiry skills, in order to develop their appreciation of, and engagement with, the multilayered subject matter. The goal of this focus on critical thinking and inquiry skills is to support students in attempting to reach beyond superficial conclusions and move towards deeper understanding.

  • The inquiry process consists of formulating questions; gathering and organizing evidence; interpreting and analyzing evidence; evaluating evidence and drawing conclusions; and communicating findings.

  • Critical thinking then applies the steps of the inquiry process toward examinations of opinions, values, biases and meanings.

  • Teachers will support students’ development of these skills by modeling in the classroom, providing ongoing and varied opportunities to exercise.

  • Assessment and evaluation will focus on students’ effective use of critical thinking skills, and not solely on a traditional “product”.

Assessment for Learning:

Assessment for learning will directly influence student learning by reinforcing the connections between assessment and instruction, and provide ongoing feedback to the student. Assessment for learning occurs as part of the daily teaching process and helps teachers form a clear picture of the needs of the students because students are encouraged to be more active in their learning and associated assessment. Teachers gather this information to shape their classroom teaching.

Assessment for learning is:

  • Ongoing

  • Is tied to learning outcomes

  • Provides information that structures the teachers planning and instruction

  • Allows teachers to provide immediate and descriptive feedback that will guide student learning

The purpose of assessment for learning is to create self-regulated and lifelong learners.

Assessment as Learning:

Assessment as learning is the use of a task or an activity to allow students the opportunity to use assessment to further their own learning. Self and peer assessments allow students to reflect on their own learning and identify areas of strength and need. These tasks offer students the chance to set their own personal goals and advocate for their own learning.

The purpose of assessment as learning is to enable students to monitor their own progress towards achieving their learning goals.

Assessment of Learning:

Assessment of learning will occur at or near the end of a period of learning; this summary is used to make judgments about the quality of student learning using established criteria, to assign a value to represent that quality and to communicate information about achievement to students and parents.

Evidence of student achievement for evaluation is collected over time from three different sources – observations, conversations, and student products. Using multiple sources of evidence will increase the reliability and validity of the evaluation of student learning.


The development of learning skills and work habits is an integral part of each student’s learning. The key Learning Skills and Work Habits evaluated and reported on include: responsibility, organization, independent work, collaboration, initiative and self-regulation. The development of learning skills and work habits needed to succeed in school and in life begins early in a child’s schooling. As students move through the grades in school, they develop and then consolidate their learning skills and work habits in preparation for postsecondary education and the world of work. At Daryk High School, we assess, evaluate, and report on the achievement of curriculum expectations and on the demonstration of learning skills and work habits separately, which allows teachers to provide information to the parents and student that is specific to each of the two areas of achievement.

Therefore, in addition to the final grade the report card also shows student achievement of learning skills and work habits throughout the course. These are not included in the calculation of the final grade for this course. The six areas are:

Responsibility Organization Independent WorkCollaboration InitiativeSelf-Regulation

They are assessed as:

E (excellent);

G (good);

S (satisfactory);

N (needs improvement)


Daryk High School commits to having policies for assessments that minimize the risk of cheating. We also commit to begin each course with refresher learning on cheating.

In the event of cheating:

  • Student will meet with the teacher, Principal and possibly parent(s)

  • A course of action will be decided based on the meeting

Daryk High School commits to begin each course with refresher learning on how to properly credit and source work from other sources; therefore, plagiarism at the Grade 11 and 12 levels is not considered accidental.

The following protocol will be followed for true plagiarism:

  • Student will meet with the teacher, Principal, and possibly parent(s)

  • The assignment will be re-worked to the teacher’s satisfaction for a grade of up to 50%

  • If the student repeats the offence, a score of zero will be given with a likely suspension and possible consequence of expulsion from school

  • A third-time offence will result in expulsion

Improper citations or situations in which a teacher deems the student to have acted with good intentions:

  • The school will work with the student to ensure plagiarism is understood and will not be repeated

  • A second submission of the assignment will be permitted

  • The teacher will decide how the re-submission will be evaluated (50% or full value)

Late and Missed Assignment Policy

Any assignments given by the teacher will have a due date. If a student has an issue with the due date, he/she will have an opportunity to discuss alternate arrangements with the teacher ahead of time. In every class, students have ONE FREE PASS to turn in an assignment up to 3 days late without penalty (certain assignments excluded, such as presentations and assessments). Otherwise, late work may be subject to mark deduction. Weekends count as one day unless otherwise specified by the teacher. If a student wishes to discuss a penalty/mark, they may do so with the teacher. In order to be evaluated in time for inclusion in an overall mark, all assignments must be submitted no later than the start of the course’s final exam or final class. We do understand that extenuating circumstances do occur, but we also seek to prepare students for the real world, where university professors and employers are not as flexible with respect to deadlines. Despite all this, discretionary efforts are made by school staff in order to ensure that all students are assessed on their academic achievement rather than their learning skills. To that end, where in the teacher’s professional judgement it is appropriate to do so, a number of strategies may be used to help prevent and/or clarify the reason for not completing the assignment, as outlined in Growing Success;

  • Helping students develop better time-management skills;

  • Collaborating with other staff to prepare a part- or full-year calendar of major assignment dates for every class;

  • Planning for major assignments to be completed in stages, so that students are less likely to be faced with an all-or-nothing situation at the last minute;

  • Maintaining ongoing communication with students and/or parents about due dates and late assignments, and scheduling conferences with parents if the problem persists;

  • Taking into consideration legitimate reasons for missed deadlines;

  • Requiring the student to work with the school team to complete the assignment;

  • Providing alternative assignments or tests/exams where, in the teachers professional judgement, it is reasonable and appropriate to do so;

  • Deducting marks for late assignments.

Missed Tests and Exam Policy

A student who misses a test or quiz in class, for legitimate reasons as determined by the teacher, can make up the test or quiz the next day before or after class (parent phone call may be required). A student cannot write it during class time. If a student simply skips a test or quiz, he/she cannot write a make-up without an appeal to the teacher. For a missed EXAM we require a note from a doctor.

Punctuality and Absences

Punctuality is a necessity at every stage of life – we would be doing a disservice to our students if we paid no attention to or ignored punctuality. Please understand our need for the following policies regarding lates and absences, and know that we will work with our students to find success.

All teachers will maintain a record of their students’ attendance and punctuality based on provincial Ministry’s “safe arrival” approach. In any given term, when a student establishes a pattern (as defined by the classroom teacher) of being late or absent, a call and/or written correspondence will be placed/sent home, and the student will be considered to be “at risk”. At the discretion of the teacher or Principal, a medical note or valid written explanation can result in excused lates or absences. At a certain point excessive lates or absences will result in forfeiture of course, credit, and cost (up to the discretion of the teacher and administration). If a student has 5 unexplained absences, they may be deemed “at risk” for earning their credit. If a student has missed 5 total hours of class time (this can be any combination of lates and absents which equal 5 total hours), they will be required to meet with the Guidance Counsellor to set up a plan to support the student in their attendance. Students will also be told of the consequences of further hours of missed class, and the possibility of being deemed “at risk” for earning their credit. Parents will also be notified. If the pattern of lates/absences continues, at 8 - 9 hours of missed class time, the student and parents will be asked to meet with the Principal regarding their “at risk” status.


As of December 20, 2006, all students under 18 years of age are required to be in attendance at school unless they have already graduated or are otherwise excused from attendance at school. Legal reasons for being absent from school (e.g. receiving satisfactory instruction at home or elsewhere) continue to apply.

If a student is absent for an extended period of time, the first responsibility of the school is to investigate why a student is absent, and make every effort to have the student return to school.

A student who has been absent for 15 consecutive school days without appropriate supporting documentation is to be removed from the register. A pupil of compulsory school age may remain on the register for 16 to 30 consecutive days of absence, if the Principal has approved the case in writing. This may be extended for subsequent fifteen-day periods, if the Principal receives reports every 15 days that the file is still active. It is critically important to maintain contact with absent students/parents.

If a student is known to have left the school board jurisdiction or if after a reasonable period of time the Principal is unable to locate the student, then his/her name should be removed from the register. Removing a student’s name from the register for absenteeism does not mean the student need not attend school. Attendance for students of compulsory school age is required under the Education Act. The Principal must inform the Private Schools Branch of the Ministry of Education when pupils are removed from the register. The school should continue to attempt to reach out to them as they may eventually respond to these efforts and return to school. 

BSID# 882053

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